Seller Services
As an overview, Desert Mountain property owners who are considering selling, no matter if their goal is to sell quickly without trying to get top-dollar, or trying to get top-dollar without regard to how long it takes, and to have a pleasant experience in the process, will find their success in doing so to be a function of:
- Choosing a team of agents rather than an individual
- Choosing a team with intimate knowledge of Desert Mountain’s lifestyle; selling in Desert Mountain is as much about getting a prospective purchaser to envision themselves living in the community and possibly becoming a Club Member as it is to get the buyer to visualize living in a given home (towards this end, the agent team would ideally include Club Members and Desert Mountain residents); hiring an agent with little or no connections to the community and Club is a risky approach, especially if such agents are willing to do the work for a discounted commission. As they say, “you get what you pay for”.
- It may be convenient for an agent to office on property, but where they office has nothing to do with how well they analyze a property, position it against its logical competition, come up with a market list price, and then then execute a well-designed sales and marketing plan.
- Look for agents with a superior track record in selling properties in Desert Mountain without having to sharply discount them (ten percent or more) to get them under contract, and to get properties under contract in a timely manner; be wary of any agent teams who claim superiority over their competitors based on total dollar volume of sales, rather than time on market or frequency of sharp discounting.
- Also be wary of claims that “we have the buyers!”. If a listing agent can bring their own buyer to a deal, that is good for the agent; a seller should focus on how well the property is priced and promoted. If it is, buyers will show up, possibly several at once creating a competitive situation.
- Do not worry about what brokerage, or agency, a candidate agent team works for; the agents are the ones who do the work, not the corporate entities for whom they work.
- The busier a candidate agent team is, the less time they will have to focus on your needs and be creative and attentive to your goals.
- How well your agent markets the property to other Realtors.
- How well your agent markets the property to different groups of prospects at different “places”, literally and figuratively, in the buying process.
- How well your agent communicates to each prospect who surfaces within each of those target marketing groups.
- How well your agent listens to you about your goals and needs, and then communicates with you about what they are doing and what is going on in the marketplace that might affect your selling strategy as time moves on
- How well your agent actually sells your property when a prospective purchaser comes to see it.
We can offer nineteen specific reasons why you should hire The Davis Driver Group. I’d be glad to go over those with you in person.
With these considerations in mind, if you are contemplating listing your Desert Mountain property, we would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, learn about what your goals are with respect to selling, and develop a detailed profile of your property. Then, we will go away and prepare an extremely well-grounded list price recommendation and preliminary marketing strategy for you to review. If you let us do that, we are very confident you will conclude we are the best team for marketing and selling your property.